Area 13.1 Half Marathon, Roswell

Join Area 13.1 Half Marathon, Roswell
Nicknamed the “Alien Half” because of its nighttime running and the glow-in-the-dark gear, Roswell’s Area 13.1 Half Marathon is set to be an exciting run!
The race is set to take runners through portions of the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area and Morgan Falls Reservoir, along a combination of park trails and roadways that run alongside the Chattahoochee, which flows into and through nearby Atlanta from this smaller suburb.
Runners’ will be provided with glow-in-the-dark gear (bracelets and t-shirts will no doubt be lighting up the finish line area. Plus, be prepared for one or two alien spottings along the way. The event also offers a Terrestrial 5k.
Proceeds from the race will go to benefit a pair of charitable organizations that are working to provide educational outreach and programs to people in need in South Africa — the Matthew E. Russell Foundation and Big Peach Outreach.
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