Aramco Houston Half Marathon

Join Aramco Houston Half Marathon
Think laid-back, pickup truck and boot-scooting town meets high-powered, high-cultured and high-heeled metropolis. During the day, chill out in your flip-flops, take in museums and shopping, then hit happy hour on a leaf-shaded deck. At night, revel in culinary or cultural bliss – the foodie scene and theater district are both nationally renowned. Sure, oil-and-gas wealth underlies a lot of the city's endeavors, but you'd never know it from the lack of pretension. What's not to like about a place where a weeks-long rodeo and barbecue cook-off is the favorite reason for stepping out? Here starched jeans are de rigeur in all but the very fanciest of restaurants. With that being said, the Aramco Houston Half Marathon is the place to be.
directions_runStart address: 501 Crawford St, Houston, TX 77002, USA
flagFinish address: 1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010, USA
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