Antelope Island Buffalo Run
28 Mrz 2025 (Fri)
160,93km, 80,47km, 50km, 25km

Join Antelope Island Buffalo Run
Antelope Island, with an area of 42 square miles (109 km2), is the largest of 10 islands located within the Great Salt Lake, Utah, United States. The island lies in the southeastern portion of the lake, near Salt Lake City and Davis County, and becomes a peninsula when the lake is at extremely low levels. Antelope Island has natural scenic beauty and holds populations of pronghorn, bighorn sheep, American bison, porcupine, badger, coyote, bobcat, and millions of waterfowl. The bison were introduced to the island in 1893, and Antelope Island Bison Herd has proven to be a valuable genetic pool for bison breeding and conservation purposes. The bison do well because much of the island is covered by dry, native grassland.
The increasingly popular trail run was held at one of Utah’s many one-off destinations, Antelope Island, a barren desert rock that floats in the Great Salt Lake and is home to herds of wild buffalo, antelope, and countless other critters.
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