Amazing Eco Trail

Join Amazing Eco Trail
New resolutions of trail running The only place that allows entertainment to participate in travel for fitness and good health. The Tourism Authority of Thailand participates in activities for tourism and exercise to supplement with entertainment from famous artists such as Polycat and The Parkinson that will make everyone enjoy a mini concert on the night before the run (not late) and also promote environmental conservation in an ECO way to raise awareness for everyone to pay more attention to the environment Promote the campaign policy to separate waste. reduce the use of plastic Emphasis is placed on the use of natural materials in activities to help reduce the time of natural degradation for a sustainable coexistence with nature.
Course details
Start address: Tambon Khao Mai Kaeo, Thailand
What’s included
done Finisher medal
done Event T-shirts
done Finisher’s T-shirts
done Cash prizes
done Timing chip (single use)
done Bib number
done Ticket Concert
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