What Overtraining Is And How It Affects Your Running Goals Exercise is always good for you, right? The truth is that too much of anything isn’t good for anyone. If you are training for a marathon or a racing event and going overboard, you are working against your goals instead of toward them. Training for a marathon is a deep commitment, but that doesn’t mean that you should strap on your shoes e...
When You Go You Only Get To Take One Thing, Make Sure For An Ultra It Is The Right Pair Of Shoes Ask anyone who wasn’t born with running in their soul what they think about an ultra marathon and you are likely to hear things like “crazy” or “insane.” Ultra marathoners were created, not made. They are those people who came out of the womb running and haven’t stopped since. If you have tackled the ...
Be One With Nature By Running As Nature Intended, Just Make Sure To Take It Slow And Smart When you think about the way that our ancient ancestors ran, it wasn’t with a good pair of running shoes on their feet. Likely, instead of wearing their homemade leather moccasins that only slowed them down, they kicked them off and got to running. Barefoot running is the new craze sweeping the running worl...
Not A One Shoe Fits All Proposition - Choosing The Right Marathon Shoe Is Easier Said Than Done There is nothing that is more important to a good run than a good pair of running shoes. The problem with running shoes is that they have to be broken in enough, but not worn out. It seems that by the time that you wear them in, they are already on the way out of treads. The secret to the best mara...