Winter brings cold weather, freezing rain, snow, and icy conditions along with fewer daylight hours during the day but they seem to do little to deter runners. While outdoor winter running can be an affordable alternative to a gym membership, to do so safely and stay warm, it is best to invest in the proper essential winter running gear. Cold weather running may seem daunting but dressing the part...
Running is a sport that comes naturally to most people. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t things that you might be doing that are inadvertently keeping you from excelling when you hit the pavement. To enhance your performance, make sure to avoid these ten things that you might be doing wrong and not even know it!1 Forgetting to stretchThe debate has ragged on as long as competitive r...
When You Go You Only Get To Take One Thing, Make Sure For An Ultra It Is The Right Pair Of Shoes Ask anyone who wasn’t born with running in their soul what they think about an ultra marathon and you are likely to hear things like “crazy” or “insane.” Ultra marathoners were created, not made. They are those people who came out of the womb running and haven’t stopped since. If you have tackled the ...
Not A One Shoe Fits All Proposition - Choosing The Right Marathon Shoe Is Easier Said Than Done There is nothing that is more important to a good run than a good pair of running shoes. The problem with running shoes is that they have to be broken in enough, but not worn out. It seems that by the time that you wear them in, they are already on the way out of treads. The secret to the best mara...