Why I run

I run because every run is a travel. When you travel, you are more aware of the life that passes. You find yourself in the same place as the other people but you are not in the same flow. When you travel, you are more conscious and your mind is more open to grasp every detail around you. You see not only what is different from the country and city you come from but also the things that without being aware you overlook in your everyday life.
When I run and I am in my neighbourhood I find back all these feelings. I move at a different pace than the people who are around me. My pace is not the pace of my neighbour who is walking his dog, neither is it the pace of a passerby in a hurry to catch his train, nor the one of a car. It’s the perfect pace that allows you to be among others but yet alone with yourself, free to contemplate and to observe a daily life that too often passes by without you taking the time to notice it.