Krong Siem Reap , Cambodia
07 December, 2025
If there are other attractions you want to see while visiting Cambodia make sure to allow enough time. Cambodia has a lot to see and do!
Cambodia can get very, very hot, so make sure to pack accordingly for race day
Does the event you want to run have a participation limit? If so, consider registering ahead of time so you don't miss out
How long will it take you to train for your event? Make sure to give yourself enough time to be race ready on race day!
Read up on the cultural expectations before traveling so that you don't offend the Cambodian people
There are a number of Cambodia marathon 2025 events to choose from. If the flat and fast is your forte, then the Khmer Empire Marathon is a perfect fit. Located in Angkor Wat, the event offers both a half and a full marathon.
The course races around the many historical monuments that are tourists' favorite, with both the start and the finish at the Angkor Wat Ruins. There is no better way to get a view of all the historical sights on foot then to do it while working your way across the yellow finish line.
Held in the Capital city, the Phnom Penh half marathon might not be an entire 26.2 miles, but it is a perfect stepping stone for runners who aren't yet ready for a full marathon. The event is held in Mid June when the weather in Cambodia is perfect. It is run to support Kantha Bopha Children's Hospitals, so you know you are racing for a good cause.
Or, join participants from around the globe at the Angkor Wat International Half Marathon. Another great charity run, the event is held to help landmine victims to afford prosthetic limbs and other financial support for the disenfranchised around Cambodia.
Whatever inspires you to run a marathon, it can be found in one of Cambodia marathon 2025 events. So, choose a race, or a cause and start training today!
The official currency of Cambodia is the Cambodian riel
The CDC recommends several vaccinations when traveling to Cambodia. So, make sure your shots are up to date ahead of time, just to be safe!
You don't need to rent a car when you visit Cambodia. Getting around is easy by using a Tuk-Tuk or bus!
You must have both a passport and a visa when traveling to Cambodia. So plan well ahead of time, to have the proper documentation
The best months to travel to Cambodia are November to March
Angkor Wat International Half Marathon, Reviewed 06 January, 2025
Angkor Wat Indochine Marathon Powered by Viettel, Reviewed 27 December, 2024
Angkor Wat International Half Marathon, Reviewed 07 December, 2024
Angkor Wat International Half Marathon, Reviewed 05 December, 2024
Angkor Wat International Half Marathon, Reviewed 04 December, 2024