


在过去十年中,跑步者的市场呈指数增长。 我们估计每年参加长距离赛事的参赛者达到5000万人次。 有成千上万的赛事,在中国、印度和俄罗斯上升趋势尤其明显。 除了更传统的城市马拉松,我们还可以看到概念性赛事的趋势,例如颜色跑、山林/自然赛事等。

世界的马拉松(World’s Marathons)于2015年在瑞典成立。 今天,我们的团队遍布全球,团队成员在马尔默、斯德哥尔摩、阿姆斯特丹、里斯本和牙买加有大本营。 测试版网站在2016年初面世,如今每周都有新功能推出。

worldsmarathons.com期望成为全球领先的体育赛事服务商。 我们的激情在于推动创新,为运动员和赛事组织者提供最前沿的服务。

World's Marathons(世界的马拉松)于2016年被选中加入STING的加速器项目,现在是SUP46(欧洲领先的创业中心之一,位于瑞典斯德哥尔摩)的一员。


  • 开始于: 2016
  • 地点:斯德哥尔摩(Stockholm )、马尔默(Malmö)、阿姆斯特丹(Amsterdam)、里斯本(Lisboa), Prague, Berlin


ANNOUNCEMENT: World’s Marathons and Ahotu join forces

World’s Sports Group AB, with World’s Marathons in its portfolio, and Ahotu Marathons, has agreed to merge the two companies and creating the world’s largest online platform for long distance racing.

World’s Sports Group AB, which runs since 2016, is a global company headquartered in Sweden. Its platform helps runners to explore and buy tickets for running events worldwide. In addition, race organizers are given the opportunity to promote their events to new segments of runners. More than 80% of all tickets sold at, are to international runners located in a different country than the actual event.

By merging our platforms and businesses, we will be able to offer both runners and race organizers new unique services and a splendid user experience, says Charlotte Melchert, CEO of World’s Sports Group. When combining Ahotu’s rich content and World’s Marathon’s advanced digital solutions, it will become a lot easier for runners to find and sign up for their next running challenge, Charlotte concludes.

In 2008, the French ultra-marathon runner Jean-Loup Fenaux founded Ahotu Marathons. Ahotu Marathons grew rapidly and is, since many years, the leading global online running event calendar, providing runners with up-to-date information to about 60,000 events worldwide.

I'm very happy to join the team of World’s Marathons, as we share the same ideals of serving endurance athletes from all over the world, regardless of their country of origin or preferred type of races, says Jean-Loup Fenaux. Together we'll be able to unite runners and organizers on a larger scale, Jean Loup concludes.

Combined, and Ahotu reach 1 million runners per month, which makes us one of the most powerful global channels within endurance sports. However, we just started our journey, and our common goal is to grow significantly going forward, says Charlotte Melchert.

About World’s Marathons: World’s Marathons offers organizers two main solutions: Firstly the advanced booking system Race Office™; secondly outstanding international reach through the marketplace World’s with integrated marketing services.

About Ahotu Marathons: Ahotu Marathons is an online marathon calendar, which helps endurance runners from all over the world find their next race: half marathons, marathons, ultra marathons or multi day races. Whether you are a trail running fan or a star of the road, you'll definitely find your next race in Ahotu’s comprehensive event calendar.

Contact Details:
Charlotte Melchert
[email protected]

Jean-Loup Fenaux
[email protected]


World's Marathons