
Die Veranstaltung dieses Jahr wurde abgesagt

Almada Trail

21 Jun 2020 (Sun)



Almada Trail

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Join Almada Trail

We couldn't finish the circuit better! And what better way to welcome the summer than a trail that starts on the beach?

We prepared 3 events for you: Long trail, considered for the Portuguese Cup, short trail and walk; all passing by the beaches of Costa de Caparica and the cliffs with the most breathtaking views!

Join more than 1 thousand athletes who participated in the last editions and come to welcome the summer in the best way.

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Course details

Other tags

Start address: 2825-280 Costa da Caparica, Portugal

Finish address: Urban Garden of Costa de Caparica, 2825-450 Costa da Caparica, Portugal


Almada Trail Routenkarte

Im Preis enthalten

-Participação numa das provas:Trail Longo,Trail Curto e Caminhada
-Dorsal com chip incluído (TL e TC)
-Dorsal sem chip na Caminhada
-Seguro desportivo
-Apoio logístico e técnico
-Primeiros socorros
-Abastecimentos sólidos e líquidos nas zonas de assistência/ abastecimento e no final da prova
-Massagem Desportiva no final da prova
-Outros brindes que a organização possa angariar

Praktische Informationen

Service nach dem Lauf






Maximale Zeit

5 hours

Das Laufkit beinhaltet





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Almada Trail

local_activity Deals & Rabatte

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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