Ayla Red Sea Half Marathon

Aqaba, Jordan

05 12月 2025 (Fri)


4.20km, 10km, 21.10km

Ayla Red Sea Half Marathon

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local_activity 优惠和折扣

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

Join Ayla Red Sea Half Marathon

Welcome To Red Sea Half Marathon!!

The main goals of the Red Sea Half Marathon in the promotion of sports, particularly among young people .
To promote tourism to Jordan . And the promotion of sports cooperation between the countries of the Middle East and the world. Promotion of healthy lifestyles among all members of society , and the spirit of volunteerism and the other half of the main objectives of the Red Sea Marathon.

The vision of the founders of the Association of Run Jordan in the establishment of an association of non-governmental high-performance and durable movement to organize sports racing for all. Assembly and seek to strengthen the position of Jordan as a destination sports world and to the support of our main effort, particularly the Jordanian Olympic Committee and the Jordanian Association of Athletics Federations.

The roots Run Jordan to Amman International Marathon, which was founded in 2009 to organize the first marathon in the capital Amman. Amman International Marathon was founded by the Greater Amman Municipality and the Association of the brain and nerves (a non-profit organization that has a long history in organizing marathons in the UK, most notably Oltramarathon the Dead Sea and the Red Sea half marathon). I have in mind here the supportive role played by the Beirut Marathon Association to establish the first marathon in the city of Amman in 2009. Having been four years in the organization of this marathon in the Jordanian capital, considered the founders of the Amman International Marathon, it is necessary to take a step to restructure the Amman International Marathon to become in the new version.

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Route map

directions_runStart address: Aqaba,jo

flagFinish address: Aqaba,jo

Ayla Red Sea Half Marathon 路线图


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Ayla Red Sea Half Marathon

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local_activity 优惠和折扣

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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