Long Haul 100

17 1月 2026 (Sat)


160.93km, 20.12km

Long Haul 100

local_activity 优惠和折扣

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The primary events of the Long Haul are the two ultra events: the 100 kilometer and the 100 mile individual events. The race takes place on the trails of the Cypress Creek Preserve in Wesley Chapel, Florida (Tampa Area). The course is a 20 mile out and back on mostly wooded double track trails that is repeated until the race mileage is reached.

The course is made up of grassy trails with a sandy dirt base, crushed coral, and paved asphalt, however, all asphalt sections can be run on grass if the runner prefers.

The Long Haul course is not a technically challenging course nor is there any elevation to speak of, but every year, the percentage of finishers at all distances is less than 50%. Some of this may be due to the fact that many attempts are by first timers, but every year there are experienced ultra runners that fail to finish.

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Long Haul 100

local_activity 优惠和折扣

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

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