Maui Oceanfront Marathon

18 Jan 2026 (Sun)


5km, 9.66km, 21.10km, 42.20km

Maui Oceanfront Marathon

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verified_user Refundable Booking option

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Join Maui Oceanfront Marathon

The Maui Oceanfront Marathon is community event benefiting local school teams, clubs, and Maui non-profit groups that help put on the Marathon.The course has many scenic pull outs and public beaches.The Marathon runs north from Wailea through Kihei and along some of the prettiest beaches in the world and ends in Old Lahaina Town.Run with 10,000 Haleakala Volcano and the green West Maui Mountains on your right side. Watch out for rainbows!! and  January is the coolest and best running month in Hawaii.

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Route map

directions_runStart address: Maui,us

flagFinish address: Maui,us

Maui Oceanfront Marathon Route Map


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Maui Oceanfront Marathon

local_activity Deals & discounts

verified_user Refundable Booking option

credit_card Secure payments

The race information has been found on the official website of the event or through publicly available sources. Always refer to the official website the latest race information. Please let us know if any data is wrong or missing, by emailing us.